Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Pretty Skin Secret - IPL Photofacial

Let me tell you that I haven't had really great skin before. I had acne when I was a teenager and even now, I get some breakouts every now and then. My dermatologist told me that since I have open-pored skin, I have to be really careful about my lifestyle and the skin products that I use. I have facials every month and nanotechnology peel every now and then, but since my skin had cleared of the acne, the "broken capillaries" on my face became more obvious. Here's a photo before I had my IPL photofacial:

They're quite unsightly especially when I get out of the shower and look at my face in the mirror. Or maybe I'm just vain. LOL! So I told my dermatologist about it and she recommended IPL photofacial. I had 2 sessions so far and this is my new facial skin:

But there is a downside. It's not really painless. There's pain, like pricking, sharp pain during the procedure. My dermatologist applies anesthetic cream before the procedure since I have low pain tolerance, but I could still feel a little pain. But I think the pain is all worth it. Like what they say, "No pain, no gain." ;) Now when I look at myself in the mirror without makeup on, I don't see those ugly "worm-like" red spots. Plus my dark spots have faded away. No broken capillaries, no dark spots, no uneven skin tone. I like it! I feel more confident without makeup on. I actually go out at times with just my sunblock, mascara and a little powder and I'm good to go. :)

My verdict: IPL photofacial is a good treatment for broken capillaries, dark spots and uneven skin tone. Highly recommended!

1 comment:

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