Monday, November 21, 2016

Bioderma Sensibio H2O AR - My New Favorite Makeup Remover

It's been a while since my last post. Forgive me, but I was quite busy at work, with the tax season and also some out-of-town trips with family and friends. I would like to share another great beauty find - Bioderma Sensibio H2O AR. I chanced upon this when I was in Singapore with friends. I was looking for a good makeup remover since I forgot mine at home. So in one of our shopping trips, I saw this Bioderma Sensibio H2O AR.

I remembered that I tried the Bioderma shampoo that my dermatologist recommended to me for my dandruff and it worked really great, so I bought this makeup remover of the same brand. And I'm glad I did. I had a bit of rash on my cheeks and I was quite afraid of putting anything on it since I have very sensitive skin, but this actually helped to take away the redness. I also forgot to bring my face cream for my skin asthma, so I knew that this makeup remover for redness was the one that helped my face rashes. So I had a makeup remover as well as rash reliever. So cool! I'm glad that I found this product. I do recommend it for everyone especially those with ultra sensitive skin like me.
My verdict: Bioderma Sensibio H2O AR is a great makeup remover for everyone especially for sensitive skin and skin with rashes or prone to rashes. Highly recommended!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Nyx™ Proof It Waterproof Eye Shadow Primer Base - My New Favorite Eye Primer

I like to wear eye shadows everyday at work, but usually in the middle of the day, my eye shadow either loses color or the colors run. Yikes! My makeup artist friend said that it's because I have quite oily eyelids. Who would have thought I have oily lids when I have quite dry skin! Talk about ironic! So I usually have to remove it with my eye makeup remover and retouch after lunch. Then came Nyx™ Proof It Waterproof Eye Shadow Primer Base gifted by my bff who came from her vacation in Singapore. She really knows what I need! ;)

What I noticed with it is that a little goes a long way. I just put a dab on my lid and it spreads so easy. Plus, my eyeshadow does not budge all day with this stuff underneath. I just have to wait around 3-5 minutes for this primer to set before applying my eye shadow or it can be a little sticky when I apply my eye shadow over it. And even at the end of the day, my lids don't show any creasing. Another plus is that it didn't cause my eyes to itch even though I have very sensitive eyes. This one is definitely a keeper! :)

My verdict: Nyx™ Proof It Waterproof Eye Shadow Primer Base is a great primer before applying your eye shadow. Definitely highly recommended!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Tattoo Removal Experience with PicoSure

I had one point in my life where I loved my star tattoo, but since I'm getting older, I felt that I've outgrown it. But I didn't want to spend too much time to take it out. I researched on the different tattoo removal lasers out there and I learned that PicoSure is the best one. Good thing that my dermatologist has that laser. This is my star tattoo before the PicoSure treatment.

The PicoSure laser treatment was not that painful. There was no scarring that happened even after 5 sessions of the laser. This is my star tattoo after 5 sessions:

I'm very happy with the results. Got rid of my tattoo in just after 5 months!

My verdict: PicoSure Laser is very effective for tattoo removal. Highly recommended!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Underarm Lightening Treatment

Ok, this is quite embarrassing... but I had to share this. I have some friends and office mates that have been egging me to share the story of my underarm lightening treatment so here it is...

I have had a lot of treatments for my dark underarms from different types of creams/soaps/lotions to peeling and lasers, and they haven't done much. Sure, there was some bit of lightening but not too significant that I almost gave up. Good thing that my dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Corcoran had the latest laser for skin lightening - LaseRenu by Lasemd of Lutronic. She explained to me that it's a breakthrough laser for skin lightening and skin smoothing, and at the same time, nanotechnology treatment through the use of a nanotechnology serum that comes with the treatment. I just had to give it a go since it was pretty convincing how she explained it to. However, I still had doubts but I just needed to prove it myself. Here is a photo of my left underarm before LaseRenu:

It really was not a pretty sight. With my lighter skin tone, the dark pigmentation always stood out. And I was always embarrassed with wearing sleeveless shirts/dresses. 

I was amazed at the results after 1 session, so I had to continue on since Dr. Corcoran mentioned that for the amount of pigmentation that I had, I will most likely need 5 sessions. So I did 4 more sessions, each session at a 2-week interval. 1 month after my 5th session, this was how my left underarm looked:

I also noticed that my underarm's "chicken skin" smoothened out, which was a great added benefit of the LaseRenu treatment. It is a very good treatment with very minimal downtime; I only had light pinkish underarms for 1 day and rough texture of my underarms for 3 days. During the treatment, it was not painful at all, just a sensation of slight warmth with slight tingling sensation. I think it's worth every peso; even though it's not cheap, it does work. Like what they say, "You get what you pay for."

By the way, my dermatologist also said that LaseRenu is not just for the underarms, it can be used for any body part, even the face. I may have one treatment for my dark elbows next time, i.e. once I save up more money for it. LOL! ;)

My verdict: LaseRenu by Lasemd  of Lutronic is very effective underarm lightening treatment. Highly recommended!