Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nanotechnology Peel - My Favorite Scar Treatment

I had some really bad mosquito bite scars after hiking in Mt. Pulog last January. I tried some lightening creams that I had in my medicine cabinet, but they're not working as fast as I wanted them to. Check out my ugly leg.

So I went to my dermatologist to have a peel that will be a faster way to get rid of the ugly scars. She knows how sensitive I am so she said, the only peel that I can have is Hypopeel, which is a type of Nanotechnology peel. She also gave me some new medicines - Swiss Arbutin serum and Skin Perfecting Lotion, as my home treatment. I had 3 sessions of the Hypopeel and I admit I am really happy with the results. Plus during the peeling sessions, I didn't feel any itchiness or burning sensation, since as what my dermatologist said, it's completely safe and the ingredients of the peel don't stay on the skin (which is what causes the discomfort like burning and itching) but rather they get in your pores right away because of the particle size of the peel. Plus in between my peeling treatments, I didn't see any obvious peeling, just a little dry skin that was improved with the lotion and serum that my dermatologist gave me.

Check out my leg now:

My verdict: Nanotechnology peel is a very safe and effective way to get rid of dark scars, especially for  those with very sensitive skin. Highly recommended!


  1. GIRL THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! I have the same issue as you omg!! You have no idea how long it has taken me to find a success story. Thanks a million for posting this!!

  2. how much is their price range for hypopeel? great post

  3. Hypopeel is minimum of 4,000 pesos from what I remember. You can go to Dr. Corcoran's clinic and ask, consultation is free anyway. :)
