Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Venus Freeze Experience: Flabby Arms No More!

For the past 2 years, I have been neglectful of my diet and fitness routine that I noticed that I gained so much weight. I also noticed that my usual lean arms became larger and flabbier. Plus I noticed some dimpling on my arms which I know are cellulites. Yukk!

Only a few weeks more to go before December, and even though I went back to the gym and watched what I was eating, the improvement was so slow. I felt that I had to do something more drastic. I talked to my dermatologist, Dr. Corcoran, about my dilemma and she suggested Venus Freeze, a new generation radiofrequency treatment with magnetic pulse technology. Dr. Corcoran said that it will not only take out the fats in my arms, it will also remove the cellulites and tighten the skin. She said that I need at least 6-8 sessions, done every week, to attain the leaner arms that I want. I researched on Venus Freeze in the web and it had great reviews so I decided to give it a try.

The Venus Freeze treatment sessions were quite comfortable. It was like having a hot stone massage. I was religious in going to the clinic every week and doing their after-care instructions of taking lots of water and being careful with my diet and having more exercise. This is a photo of my left arm a week after the 6th session.

The flabbiness was gone. I lost almost 2 inches in my arm girth. I also noticed that the dimply appearance, the cellulites in my arms were gone. I'm so happy with the results! :)

My verdict: Venus Freeze is an effective treatment to lose fats and cellulites. Highly recommended!